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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring

An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in.

The Baker's Street - Conan Detective, Ai (the girl exit the Theater scene) to...one of those 5 choice has a Roman Arena = the Olympia today. That is a straight line down.

You put Ronan that side, me photo, and that guy with the tall Britney photo

I think that is how people analyze. The One For the Money (2012)  (White house guy)

  On the left, these 2 photo,                                                    One the right

How to draw a butterfly

American President Biden is not a Yogi, but he is single.

Is that what it means?

I got it, no. Macy's its the assistant living and that is a lot heavier condition assistant living. 

One grade down? Nick's ex gf has that business. The Lotto lady. 

The business talk

A lot of the new generation is humility you know, running thin. So saying really going out for a correct business talk, you saying the Austin generation its those PC game or the mobile games a lot. The oil lis the business. So the day when you open outside, you facing its might be the kids whom have the resource way higher, but if its not in our time, people die out, and that simple layout of life, when the external world coming near, there is nothing existing here anymore. 

I think that is what I will say.

Tim Cook is not like that TV, but it given you some strange feeling, right.

This story of the TV gives you a visiting of all those wealthy people's house including the original kid that his background from his parents. So a lot of those are the correct setting of the manner, the personal image, or the righteous clear tone of the talks, or the logic behind each case being on the jobs.

But the reality its, you know Tim Cook is nothing like that. Not really.

And none of this including in this TV setting, our career has any overlapping, there is nothing overlapping, and they didn't show you the correct people's faces. It has to be one of those American Presidency leadership, or at least moving that direction will sound like you staring at your own current setting of the TV. It didn't have to be on the business talk all the time.

But these TV will be nothing but the business and the money talk. 

The business

People acquire some methods how to conduct a research - one of the means you don't have its hiring the big company over - the Business name, the Business logo, the small Business proposal someone wrote that for you, including you yourself have to research on it. You knowing this fact, or someone would have talked about it, the business name register at the local town. There is a stream of things you doing that. Or you have gone to the bank sitting in one of those cubical, anything. Some people decide to talk about anything. Right?

On the website the most intuitively saying, its you are in America and that is where I was or I cannot do that because I was in Canada. You would be listening along some side, you decide what you hear to where you research about the things in front of you. You as a guy, or you as a girl. And one day you grew up !!! 

Hunger Game (74)

Catching Fire  (75)

Slam Dunk (78)

I think its the sport arena similar like - almost you saying the old time that AI Conan Noah computer programming - the Baker's Street, the Roman 競技場, but those you almost saying the Olympia. Its to do with the money in the end. The sports arena always a lot of the money. So I can only say, if during this period of time, anything up to how you generate your income, because the upper sphere guys or the wealthy business man, that is probably what they do. Sometimes they even go to those Kentucky Derby. Its one of those social event or the gulf club people when they mingle, you will hear about something like Kentucky Derby, the bimbo shows up and knowing that term, "Kentucky Derby".

I am guessing it. 

The Flower Vase 花瓶 


In our movie here, some business people, they gone to these audience seat, and that is when they talk, or something I seen in the movies, between the guys. The girls are just there to be the flower vase. The wall vase, or the wall flower one of those term. If you understand there is professional attire. Your flower vase dress, the pursue, the shoes, the bottle water or anything you hold in your hand to drink. A binocular.

Those business are always between those bracket people.

Most of you are just this 9-5pm jobs you need to keep that job or keep that programs. 

Yeah, the outside world. You have to go to American Congress, or inside they knowing that or not. I don't really know. Or inside our world here, people whom do the business, they have those picnic, or those none relevant the flower bimbo staying in the sun with a big hat....too burning sensation dying.

You didn't really believe the movie to be real in what sense.


I am very very sure, if your dad buy those Bagel J, that menu, for a dozen people....

He has no problem hand you one sandwitch.

But it will NEVER EVER vice versa ....isn't this odd? The only value you have, its to request and be given. That is the movie means. You trying to say you are helpful, you trying to say you are the part of the games. Why don't you be real to find out?

You will never ever forever be anything...no one expecting you at all.

In this Capitalism cruel world, no one saying that to you, you could just make yourself a perfect game when you walking out of any door, you just never think that is your side of all door, I ever needed at all. 

Look: All this people inside Ronan's audience seat. You could just forget this one guy.

Then there is a White House across Biden, the Britney's movie. 


You could say the people never meet, never cross life, and in that 2 side of different world, its one airplane someone everyone doing their own business in that secure reason behind. The hours of the days. And that 3 location, you looking on one Earth, from Ireland, to Taiwan this entire straight line section, to American President that side.

You saying, everyone striving in their own not knowing each other's world. It may not be the meaning of those movie means. I have no idea what it means. But I drawing all my painting myself. Strange, isn't it? And I am doing things just as I say, I look, I photography at it. 

There must be strange things trying to put the piece of the puzzle all back together. Just the imagination. 

If this people so important, I cannot find my way home Taiwan Taipei, so smoothly, or America NYC or California, you mean....landing or travel is an issue alone.


I personally don't think you stare at the money, stare at life, where people breath at the life. I need to breath on my own when I seeing all of you doing this you screw up everyone's life. with you in it. You doing this very well all on purpose. You say love, or you say vain, or vent

Japan, Korea, China.

You just didn't imagine how skillful I ever becoming. You all just spent the money that is what I mean.....You didn't read the map, or you are not reading the sign on the location or you are not careful, or you are not listening or acquiring the information. You mean you kidnap that Washington D.C is as far as you will ever go. When you succeed ever, don't bother calling me.

You keep thinking if a several groups of people including you and your family + the relative as big as me and Square and her dad and all that, some Taiwanese all around. If I acquire just my ex bf Nick ( a full car trunk stuffs) like we used to know each other, 2 of us walking in the store, and full pack that trunk. You don't believe he knows me, or I know him. If I got myself one extra those carried full of the bottle waters like the emergency supply, you seeing this SMTV, or we have a habitual thing doing what. We got this Berkey or the water set up filtration. You tell me this is not important.

So just a case of the bottle water, some veganaise, some basic traveling tool I used to have. Nick will tell you (from Canada), what that suppose to spell like the life anyone to lives in. You want to ask him clearly why that life is very important?

💖💝💘 I tell you what I think you should ever plan 1) Watch 10 people's luggage you didn't buddy with your mother.

2) You buddy with your own stuffs.

3) You making a food in the hotel capable, that entire scenario how do you one person staying in that room and sleep one full night sleep and sound, not on the phone. Breath a what peaceful life.

4) Meaning you drive to near the grocery, buying what things and imagine a travel you yourself, making a food I Anna says with Nicky when we talked about the Washington D.C. You were all on the phone with Justin or Brian, sorry Simon or Shane. One of those....

5) I say the soy yogurt in the Tops supermarket, that is 4 in a pack, they package in that way, so its very easy for you to bring that in the cart to keep shopping, and you bring yourself a vegan cake? Its in California Northern California if you read the label.

6) Wagman's got the French bread, and right across it - its Feel Rite, that is that and that, my own perfect world with the slice of the applies or the avocado. If 2 people, you will acquire a Vegnanaise.

Tell me what's wrong with anything I say in that Washington D,C? 

I have no idea why that is the formation, so I volunteer saying what I only know how to do things, when I will be called in my waiting time....

7) Why I cannot stay inside the hotel, my happy, all meals One-in-All, and bite without the people looking at it, in your term, it will never be a guy in front of you.

Not the make-up, not the sun scream lotion.

If I step on Nicky.....and let me guess this entire scene, because Kian was mentioned, so the end game you ever did behind my back....

Every one last you, you mean I will find out ? You talking to one, you thinking for another. You listen to me says, so you conclusion to your own liking, what is that? 

He is not your mother, I just keep saying that to you every step the way.

You don't see yourself grown up ever be. 

The diary is not in the trash can, the bracelet its too important, the valentine gifts were all you ever had.... you imagine you yourself too perfect really to be bounded by the gravity. 

There is a lot of the simple thing inside the life, you can just talk to the guy in front of you. You mean the money lasting forever....one of those relationship.

I guess I wasn't growing up to fake, or to lie the way you.....mean what things cannot be talk about, the skin touching a skin? You see something on your body, you show him? Or you washing the things he told you clearly?

He insulting you....

He denounce you...

He is dumping you....

He is ruin you....

He is what this what not that.

You break a bottle on purpose. You drop a glass cup on purpose, you water pushing on the desk full of the papers on purpose.

You ruin people's luggage inside how the man using his own luggage, or you re-organized inside the way you like; you putting the hotel towel in which way to make a scene. You didn't acquire 10 loads white towel, if that is two of you for next 3 or 4 days. 

You on purpose to buy which sandwitch to make a word, you do on purpose every simple life, no one can ever stand to live with any one of you. The life is not secured just the moment you open your mouth, saying a happy vent word. That is your happy most, you will do so until all of you ending up all on the street.

How much the eye gaze til that life force will wane, someone told you on the first day.

If you tell any man the food court with 10 people's luggage,

You really really hungry with your parents walking any direction you all feel like.

What kind of the scene is that?

I volunteer?

There is a lot lot of this loooooong list.

I don't really think you meant every mouthful jobs or the word to make a sound in the air, he meant you all go to hell the first day you and your mother buddy up together. 

Chris and Dean its one of those guy at a certain age bracket will be moved away. There is a lot of things my vision told you if were followed.....they will never be anything, not that look, not that inept, not that lost item or the records on purpose, and the temperament on love and affection to ruin every business. Either they be put in the jail, or sent somewhere far away, or be dead. You never knew some worlds are very cruel on that. No one can breath, if anyone cousin all around, those are the exactly the trouble you keep seeing them show up.

They have no worth in life, none of them. Or I just don't know whom are pretending, and that person forever ever never will speak one word of Truth that shall set you all free.

The temperament when you find things out

How you handle that per account, how you find things out, how you present, if its with or without the public, how do you speak that term or the words in which manner, in writing may not, but in the English or any language a clear manner, not with the emotion inside the tone.

You do that to your mother.

You do that to your brother.

None of those are a thing in his need, but that is the girl exactly the liberal means Anna their far away used to know the classmate keep telling them, only a certain thing. Either she knows or she pretends to know.

Inside the world of those occupation, you can almost say I only stay in this Pre-med, or pre-dental, pre-pharm, or...animal welfare included talking to them


But inside the business word, where you speaking in English....what you define Mimmo and Tony is such a big mouthful jobs, no matter what, just like that Chris or Dean. They didn't know why they never have a money. They are also too exciting in any situation to speak a what term, or too eager to go and see what friends or whom else to bluff. You know what I mean? Bragging, exciting, no negotiating skill, cannot think which side inside that very trickery business world. I suppose to live like a Ryoal, every congress side of someone will tell you, my life should be already set, I didn't need to imagine any business as a girl .You imagine I really don't know. 

You seeing this SMCH talking in the Cancum ? Ever? Not the lecture, the everything else other than the lectures?

 "Thank you Sir."

She is a Vietanese on those climate change issue. I didn't really know where she is, or when I feel like, you see?

I used to look at SMCH so much

I never thought one human would be left on the street, for my facebook, all of you never say you are on the street. Ever. Whatever this Tiny house I look at it....the far away zone lines. 

Look at all this younger Taiwan Youtuber, all the white girls as well.

How big the mouthful jobs ever be?! They really don't know what they ever look like to the whole world, that capable to be. The guys don't know, since, the day all of them disappear, they won't even know about it. How or why.

That kind of the couples are everywhere.

A trespassing royal, they never want that there, but if needed, like a show up, I go along, its one hell of the English comprehensive, but no need to a public show.

But if were forced, I am telling you, what is a pretentious of the wordily mouthful, someone acting for a living, at all. 

"I used to have a yoga teacher, sorry, the meditation instructor, whom have one of those flyer about the vegetarian diets, that UN paper proposes, that what the Truth shall set the diet and the health be free, you agree to those? Or you really want to talk about this?"

See, disappear.

There is a certain type of the pink, doing things behind, let's say, she understands not to hurt the guys on purpose.

Away from the public photo or all those icon, and she steady her finance, talking normal, and really communicative. Meaning she understands the money part, and the sex part, hygenic, and tiny bit of the food preparation.

1) Gift wrapping

2) Inside the hotel every emergency matter, writing, calling, getting him a phone, not standing there or arguing, or mind her own data or knowing what not thing.

3) She can when he goes back to his wife or you children, inside that hotel packing or shipping to the postmail anything he asked, and align with him one person. No, not playing around. Just be attentive, and following around that simple task. Buy the food, not jealous the food.

Him and his circle of the friends, or anywhere he needs a show up, that kind of the girls. She can operate anything behind. Keep the body, keep the life tidy, keep the mobility moving....

You never knew this type of the girls.

You forever will never be with a guy, I told you so. That is over.

When you seeing Karen gone with Chris

She eternity will NEVER get in between anyone around that neighborhood, community, one guy with a look or no look, no older, no elder of any kind, no where near her dad, anyone all around. No one but her age. 

That is the girl you will keep staring at it like your own facebook data.

Okay, I give you a list.

Find a piece of luggage and carried on, you and him.

  • A passport holder, go to NYC to renew the passport in the embassy meaning travel all the way from one side the air ticket at Flushing the ending of 7, to downtown Mahanthan travel North. Somewhere there is an embassy. Talking to the people inside with a clear English to get every paper works done. 
  • Buying some stuffs he told you, or you know its needed on the way back, 50 mins jet-blue, land safe, waiting in the hotel. Prepare some food, or putting some of the nutritional powder or supplement like the vitamin C, he always personally can communicate, every literally word. In the bottle. You get that from the nutrition store. Or anything other than that, that is a plain seen not open the vitamin bottle, the glass or the plastic.
  • If someone knock something broken, she never sound a word, or vibrate a "but hey you", she very quietly to where find what stuff immediately can clean up that floor without shaking or turning herself upside down because one piece of the vase someone pushed and fallen on the ground.
  • She has to be inside the airport termiinal, she knows every gift shop.
  • She has to stay on the computer online, she knows the Amazon, the facebook, the Pinterest.
  • She has to be one person, you are too perfect with the wife and the kid.
  • She asked the hotel white towel, all the things the hotel can supply, find it, and wait there when he returns, or she will be on-time every single day. And she might have whatever the family or it is real or not real. She willing to do all that. Everything just because it was a relationship.
  • That family of your entire family household disappear the second day.

All of it. The wife, and the kids, all.

Sorry, maybe one week, or one month. You mean he is home all the time. To the guys, none of that means a worth time to have one second quiet time hotel room to sleep, to wait, to rest. Someone just waiting there for him. The hospital time, the none panic air, not shaking every 2 second, not this public or that noise argument. Just staying close. 🦅

You and your mother forever or with your brother, its a history forever gone, the second day she shows up. I didn't think that is my case.

But I can tell you what Zawanna makes me to believe, because he is a lot more affectionate. You are all toooo pushing, meaning once being together, you doing it on purpose. He gives you a name, a title, a scene. Every girl wants. Some girls don't need all that wants.....its to be with one person.

None of you will forever, ever, never, will ever be. I told you already. Never, ever.

Sex ?

You don't really talk to a guy anything anything anything in your life. Not really. When he or she brought up a word of any kind of ....they can just bribe a black guy saying a very very bad word to you, and you go and kills that black guy, in person.

Because you will never EVER see the guy with the money shows up. 

I tell you a story how I response this W Two worlds behind

You know these guys' name from Taiwan photo. Eric, Jason and Henry (short), I told them, or one of them I say I wash (that is before or at the War last year). Their down there. 3 of them. Not Vicky. No. That is what I told one of them I believe. If he told the rest of the guys, that is what it means I say with other things whatever that is in the W Two worlds, the most practical straight ahead inside our life.

We have studies the history, all of us know exactly what that means. 

(I told him long time ago)

My mother still keep banging stuffs everywhere, very loud

The entire kitchen just not broken with it. Right outside.

Is this about Sex?

No, you need to cook the food, hygienically and washing. They only care about those you never put up one fight those talks, in any space and time. They go to where the entertainment world set up those girls.

First, they got the look, and train both in hygenic and keep their skin fine, and the talking manner. To the tiny education for saying be a lot more literal, they are starting those education also inside the industry.

Second, if a relationship is based upon sex, true. Because you are not going to deliver the correct hygenic food kitchen. They sent those girls home nicely with the car, or just the dating a small short period of time. Or the newspaper claim, having a girl show up. They gonna get old. Every time a girl gets old, they get rid of you. 

The grey hair or the white hair. They found out about you that is why they get rid of you. You be honest to them if on the first day you have every period pain, or some kind of the headache, they get rid of you on the first day. They probably all knowing you lie. 

They tell the police first.

Third, they say the internet the mother...right. a. Pamp the guy like your own brother, I can see this material everywhere around my vicinity like the TV. Your mother probably given everything to your brother, because he is a lot more reliable in both nature, and coming toward her all those years. I never talk to my mother one feeling stuffs, its both Pang and Tina never ends on the phone with her. We never had one phone call communication since the middle school. Not one phone call. Not the feeling, not the school, not the what's up. The only phone call was she told me those Bio thing in Devil Wear Prada that one - you gonna believe your life gonna stay in that job forever?

That is one thing she did say to me.

I call her back, what is next?

Finally, she shut up !!!!

Wait....American Medical Board, i cannot literally copy the Lawsuit 13.

My shoulder so painful...left side.  Not now. I am so burden.

Outside the balcony so blazing sun, isn't today the Typhoon? The bird came, at that roofy, there are 2 things on the sky, left or right Virus. He flying toward the right from my neighbor that middle roof toward the right lower peripheral to the police station I guess.

Can you go to the birds, ....right, there is one thing about on the roof all around this one city, someone feed them. He or she wearing the eye glasses, a lot of the gossip in that roof, the bird says they love those people. They acquire so much gossip, no matter how to hint this person, they will never understand, there is nothing but the gossip on that window in, there is a TV inside. I think its a guy, you know those ugly white shirt no sleeve.


my right shoulder hurts now.

The TV is on the right. (Painting)

My left shoulder hurts - I am backing up the lawsuit 1-12

Too many links to re-copy paste, but my MS Word open this morning. 

American Medical Board, can you back this up for me. That is 750+ lawsuit.

Do they mean I file what I say at the noon?

Thor says or Kail says back up and file the noon that overall UB lawsuit on the public defendant. You cannot tell I am pre-occupied over this my Pinterest account disappear. 

I copy Lawsuit 1 -12 then ....my left shoulder hurt, or I need to go to pee. They are saying?

Because my browser keep shifting to this blogger here. So I tell you first, and work later? 

And whom says....that I already used the Quota in the lawsuit to 750+ on Earth, meaning? I am the Royal, cannot file the lawsuit toward the outside? 

I THOUGHT its a lot more Corperation later, first there are the rulers, you mean GOD, like Zawanna or Kail, or this whom...the slavery of the Sunshine world that younger rulers. That is GOD? 

I am? The GOD?

Which Royal outside, its all the Central Leadership in that Planet.

And then there is a governmetnal Body at the Universe somewhere the Central Zawanna leads me to. 

There is NO ROYAL?



I nap

Babaji: Go

What?  My halo too shining, too proud, I don't wish to participate at this time. Its literally in front of my eyes - nose or whichever between the eyebrow, you know those saying. 

If you all going in together, technically speaking I don't have a group. Shane they are the celebrity, the time they go in, the public goes with them.

I don't need to be there, but if I can step in, I might.

You and the UB them joining those conversation its like your own free period activities. You and your parents. Your parents to whom else. They have a reason to believe or to doubt? 

I won't be there.

But you all different nation, you cannot go to buddy your own facebook  "those different nations", I already say I may not be there. I am at Ireland, China, Taiwan, Japan court, or Korea. One of those, including staying there sometimes. Do you have a website, like the free blogger from Google, and I won't even know you claim to the public, or you claim to the admin ....?! Bossing to see if you have the royal chef guards one of those, does he show up?

My side are these public + my other facebook in SMCH groups that time. Some are the rest of the SMCH groups. And ...we don't know you have a website to boss or to claim. Not me here. No. I never search. When you are ready, you suppose to tell the guys, or they all combine to send in a list of 600 people ....whom god knows whom you are, one of those.

Westlife is touring in America, or Canada, you all going with you 10 friends combine your family or your ex bf, gf, or neighbors, all those? Right?~~~ You have a Washington D.C, not the concert you going in and coming out. You think you all looking the same, really when facing a true reality of the confrontation to the people.

To talk, to mingle, to negotiate, or to make your points. 

I would be guessing one of the Tranduil. He might be right outside. (The Earth)

You dont want to say to Shane or Simon, you do on purpose?

What is on purpose? You don't know how to say sorry?

You cannot bow down? Your dignity too high up, your dad ever telling you?  His choice will never forever ever be anything like you?

Want to focus this friends real facebook social network the One UB Group activates, I am sure you trying to get to those Royal idea chef guard or the group of them.

No, I have this NASA things I say 20 years, the comet starting I say 2019 or the 2018 the theoretically calculation breaking it down in the segment of April, Nov, or whichever delay in that Britney's video.

But these celebrity, they might be entering upon the Washington D.C without me there. I have to be in England or D.C over 20 years? The Chinese kids gonna grew up ! They might already been to England seeing the real democracy world. Meaning, to learn the arguments right, to become, and to become sharp, becoming sharp on the IQ on responding a dialogue, a situation or a debate. They are all so willing to becoming another me. The England supposes to be the court file-ing the legal procedure lawsuit ground place. We keep seeing that the front news, not I don't want to assume that, I wait a little bit. 

To you, these kids didn't have any connection with you.

With me, if we all gather in that court room, I sit there, and saying hi, and see "What do you get on your paper works?" "You wrote that yourself" "No, I don't have the eye glasses, you want to put your eyes glasses on, we read it together, you explain to me?"

Let's say that requirement to Kail that Red River Manga, not necessary the public, they are the public too. The Chinese kids.

Otter - the Vibrant Otter family


It might be the culture in itself. They put their hand on people's shoulder, one of those. Sorry, the waist line. We are not the same height. 


Do you see the empty space that ? It’s ... an empty pressure Such as H, L means. High pressure, Low pressure pushing these three typhoon. You don’t dare to go traveling to China?

Don’t talk about these Taiwan youtuber Westlife is supposed to be having a concert. They don’t have a Facebook ! China doesn’t have. You all UB 60 - 600 It is my other Facebook original. You read my morning blogger. Right ...you have your own Facebook, they are not my Facebook. In this a word says called the UB group activities but it is a democracy reason a in-class ideas. The freedom you making friends not the Royal movie or the TV politics ! I don’t have that or I don’t use that. I need the vocation really.

I told Shane the leading singer or you say the leadership of a boyband you wish under your waving long fat butt skirts. It’s an Ancient Chinese meaning he smells your pelvic under skirts. It suppose to insult the guys.  I told Shane I used to long time ago in the school these leadership it’s a phone I want to throw at the wall... ...

Not those TV ... none of you wishing to dress up as Kail those face to face at the book format real says. I keep saying it to you.

I file my health reason. What if it’s your dad? So he can ask for the financial assistant ? He is not going to swing like me, younger. You and him gonna tear each other right at the court ?

So you file as the money reason not murder reason ? You sure about that ? You don’t hate him enough You don’t love him that enough, ever be.  Yeah so it’s already up in the air.  What you gonna do ? Lies?

In ten mins It’s sea siren ( typhoon approaching ) It’s going into China.

That three clusters are the typhoon structure - it be destroyed by the Taiwan mountain ridge so it being destroyed before China. I tell you what it means  Okay I side with Shane. I step next by Shane and Nicky or Kian.  Shane and me.  You have one choice less. Does it subconscious makes to lean toward Dean not Mat forever and ever. No one thinks you keep going back to hit Mat. Literally.  That one more senior age is getting very old.  All these people are impossible.  Only Dean or Lee That is Thranduil Lee Pace.  Again impossible  Only two remains. + 1 Past.  They believe me or I believe your words ?!

Its a big pouring rain right now. On my outside balcony, my house and the birds. One Mat? He is an veterinarian doctor? If you seeing the real image, how he runs away just like that Wing. There is an Ancient Chinese says, pull or leap, or pulling the carrots that motion as pulling himself on his leg, RUN. Not even look back, that is what it means. Why hate Mat? Looks like Lee? He would have makes your parents faith in you, destroy between your parents you put your pride up 24 hours when you are inside the house? Do you hide anything inside the room?

I describe to you how the guys grew up, such as a good looking face white guy, with some height, and growing taller, or like Lee. Just happy in his own environment. It won't matter if he falls into the black holes really. As long as he retains that...his grown up time, he has a circle of some friends, might be 2 or 3. Then another 2 or 3. Then another pack, or another saying goodbye, as my brother's height grew taller.
These guys got pamp in life to grew up, never one person alone inside the home, or without the sibling, like me have a brother and a sister. That not one person alone in the basement to swallow a what water superstitious. Even my grandmom was with my mother when she does those stupid things. Meaning these are the population dense place.
These grew, most of the White World guys with some what a happier all around, balance. I mean a balance all right, 2 or 3 friends, or the neighbor, or saying hi, or something just they always think its normal. Very very very normal life.
I thought my life is normal too.
It will never be a basement with something putting inside your throat and drinking it down, those.....

Like Wing, like Mat, like Lee, like Dean....like white celebrity guy to Prince (they seeing a lot more confident in themselves and happy guys), meaning if someone not jump, flip, bounce, but jumping enough inside the home outside the house, including my dad.....
They look at you, they turn around and run away. Your one lifetime never gonna dating one more guy as that age, and the physical health makes you......gonna coming it down in years.
Planning to go one of those North Tonawannda senior apartment pale green wall inside the apartment midnight, and one or two neighbor, a tall guy walking it by?
If Fatima hurries to open that door, and seeing that one tall guy, it s a human she sees, not a white hair like her own head skull...but this guy does not recognize whom she is. ITs a younger "Man" about 30, about 50, or maybe 25 years old. She will be 60 years old or 65. She got alert like she is now, but ....she wishing that stranger's walking outside the hallway, its someone she knew, she can run out of the hallway with the head out, and talking, "Hi ~ good evening !"
She is old, no more family around. One person listening that walking pacing foot steps.



 🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪 🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪


Babaji: Go

I talk or I coming in is a little bit different ground as you can tell that is 750 Lawsuits every Friday, Saturday and Sunday? 

There are some songs if they include, I gonna work with them and tell them, you all gonna hate them including your own lawyer, just about anyone is your enemy. 

What? That kind of I say file-ing? You mean they do on purpose?

Correct, you can sue them. But....if you doing all that including me suing them. The legal system is doing it all for you free, to the back end people all of them the age starting like 15 years old. So correct, if you found out the profile landing at, you mean you will be 45 years old. 

They all gonna....finish compensate to all of you +1 me. Yeah, I will file along because the public defendant in the democracy world they take care. Right ....I will file too, right. But it depends what arguments the public defendant files for all of us, and each of you also gone in. You can tell me what you file privately behind. I won't need to tell you what I file on that one account. This lawsuit....because its a combination together.

Meaning eternity wise, all the people's face as long as being indicate on the monitor, they classify behind needs to speak of that reason starting with that Tim Cook's sister included. Since my time will pass, technically the real personnel will tell you, none of that are relevant anymore, until if I reborn again here on Earth. 

I personally will say I don't know the real law inside the essence, so I trust the public defendant doing that for all of us. They do that best. For real. 

If you all gonna hire your separate lawyer on the top of this public defendant, or 10 of them together, you can. I side by. Isn't we all gonna be in the Washington D.C. You can tell me what that public defendant file for you, and you tell me your lawyer or you yourself wish to file, and did. I don't have anything at the moment. I don't really know. That time I will tell you if I got anything. I have to see what the public defendant did. Its a compensate you. 

If I have a Royal Palace Lawyer? You imagine you have or you bossing on the internet to imagine you have?

No, I don't think ....I have or don't have. I will see whomever if the government told me that exists, I look at this person and talk in front of my face. I travel to the public defendent, just sit down and ask any of them is fine. I do things like that nature. 

The personal love, the personal gain, the personal TV fame, alone together fame.

愛最閃耀 (電視劇《一千零一夜》插曲)


A lot of the guys have a lot better manner, so they won't say their internal feeling whom you girls are.

American is a lot taller race, so if I seeing those too tall, and then I got the nick....I will tell you for my own convivence, I just will tell you, leave those any taller guy's business. Don't look at them, don't listen to them forget their entire existence, and be happy inside your own life.

For real. As a girl, your dignity supposes to be - the day he died, he knows inside his life, You were never ever being a part of his life forever. That equals to = break up, equal = 2 door dispute leaving that court room Judge. Behind. No, not revenge. I told you already. Forget. That is entire memory of that falsehood leaving forever away from my own name. Me, it won't matter what name I have. That past is never gonna be the present. 

Adam and Laura - Ella Enchanted, No sex, no money. If Adam was affiliate with Rebecca over EF jobs, you want to know that to every girl, that is a job from EF?

Karen and Adria's Ballet movie. No ballet partners (?), no ideas what that means.

Now its completely between me and the ET Grey, or that time ET with the Governemtnal All around the Cosmo. Its Tim Cook's Sister. They found. I Anna found out make a jokes of the 194 countries. Adam was a EF part-time, Laura looks like the part-time fame to Tim Cook's sister on this planet. 

None of them sins. Its Ella Enchanted. EE. We eat in the Kentucky Fried Chicken place inside UK. I eat those fried potato wedge, or baked, Fried I think, I was the vegetarian with the Mac n Cheese.

ET they are liberal, they gossip, they journalism too. You all doing things behind my back as if the gossip cannot get louder, so ET does that best. You only need to target her, not the entire whole humanity, but hey, 

But hey

But hey

But hey

Don't you think the more massive human povlerty line below, the better this is giant fighting in the democracy, someone throw the candy bar, and the pop corn like those ET at the monitor, they are mischief idea, too old to say Fun? This is funny, isn't it? The humanity of the poverty line, and no one has the brain or the IQ to get through the Court, not to say the Supreme Court, its all wired under the System. In the year of 2014 on, She didn't stop laughing never Stop, the Whole universie her audio device its the loudest of all the humanity dead. Its OU language. One super giant loud laughing, if you cracking up the volumn 24 hours. You wonder why the rest of the world its OU? 

Laugh ET grand all pa ~~~~~~

wa hahahahahahha.....

American Medical Board

This year is hunger game, catching fire.

The birds wants to talk talk talk talk talk to tell you EVERYTHING in the WHOLE universe, not OU language, can you go and begging them to open their mouth literally 24 hours, doing those enjoyable things never stop talking !!!!!

The WHOLE universes!!!

American Medical Board

The birds toning at that left eye behind that nerves at the mean time my mother keep banging this sound. It happens too long. No, no, the banging is not supposed to trigger or fire the nerves. Its the birds. They pitching or toning, I think that is real.

Because, my mother doesn't need to be there. I know its the birds did that behind when she was not there too. Like a tiny sensation. When I was with nick, whenever someone wants to kill me, like I written an email, someone is reading on that internet between me and him. The moment I click, the moment I have this left eye behind nerves hurting me like killing me - the email "sent" button the moment clicks. That sensation on the back of my head, the left eye, that is very very clear. Many many many many times when I was with Nick that period of time was lesson. I think when I come to America. If I seeing something, I always thought it was the karma, that kind.

No, not in person. Its an interface of some kinds. No, not initiation those things, no. Its on the interface across. Nick supposes to kill me, its after he reads the email. But that is a little bit different you saying a literally. Something its at the end of that button, the server. Where does that go?

Its the moment I click. I complain those email, yeah! The buttom. I will be on the bed, or my head skull behind. Its painful. Detox, or the UB graduate school time.  Nick has a certain methods to kill me, just not the left eye head. Its the front chest, this all over the sensational feeling. At my chest, the distance won't matter. The argument on the phone, one of those. I hate that all those stuffs.

Including the TV, or the movies.

I say don't watch those Pirates of Caribbean, its rendering inside the movie. 

This is your Friday, see how you feeling it per nerve : On girls...all that Karen

Maybe I need to use the last blog that interface


When someone can look at you full of the hatred...

You didn't think I mean it every word at all. How long the lies would be.... every single day you think I am a saint. I am. No thinking...just as long as I will do every possible ways to get rid of everyone last you the poverty line, you wonder....how cruel someone is, or how real the reality I meant. I repeat all this Capitalism words per typing times, as if there is a Mercy God trying, trying trying....sound so normal of a Saturday you all venture in that Friday night.

Tell me the truely Wealthy people joining in where....the food that serve, or the debts of all those black tie suit. I know that? I pretend there is no one around for all these 20 years, one him, 2 her, nothing but useless and hurting crime on my head. To this history forward, try to make me more like a mortal I am telling you.....how you all believing it, I meant it every Hive dies. 


Wing talk (3:48)


My mother in the kitchen hurting inside the noise. I understand all those reason, but it hurts me Wing. I got scared every single second of it. So you all going to hell. You didn't have to be inept like that, any of you. 

Wing 2 (the birds) (11:43)




Joy's son - all the fame, name, Loving the Silent Tear the Eternal Glory


Your friends are all so important anyway.

Sister Shen

Brother King

None of you have to do anything on that Friday night.

You didn't think American can be all gone.....trust me.

Democracy its 190 countries, I got the plenty way every single one last you die. On that poverty line, how the Corporation power I will rise. Your parents don't kill you, you will all bankrupt and go to hell on the street. I making that clear, no more 6 countries staying in America, at least.....

Tell me this book of life, how did you 2 have the kids from the very beginning.....back in time. Your kids are the only sins of yours, and none of you will ever changed my own verdict no matter what.

All this arguing back and forth mortal like you, you should all be dead long long time ago. For the education purpose. How long its the eternity you all willing anyway. 

You imagine you are the God, that is really funny. Per thought, per degree mouthful inside pompeo.....that one Secretary state one capital with whom?

AI, you didn't hear the ultimate reason someone will forever exist, at all.

Fear, you all not fear enough, the reality of the voice and the sound, it was intended....supposed to be meant for the good will of some human, but...its rather sad, no music. They guys born in that nature and always be pamp in any world. So they will forever look down upon you with those height and the internal voice. You didn't try to realize every word coming out of the brain.

You are the poor things that is the useless eternity. No value, no worth, not even a simple eye sight, drive you and your family into hell. You doing that so well. Every whimp thought he doesn't have, every one last them. Its the glory of the humanity in eternity, at all.

Someone like me, whom arise to the very Top will tell you, its every eye sight of you makes me hatred. Inside outside. If I feeling that so...I am telling you what is the SA represent, every hatred feeling toward every humanity, FOREVER and eternal. 

Tell that to Biden, may he has the worth in your eyes not his eyesight to any of you. There is a Trump Tower, sorry, the Trump next by you.

Nick's first word to flirts, you mean the towel, not the tower! 

Right, everyone is negative.....you mean my Home Network Shopping in American those useless cleaning supply?

Right....you mean they being force to be on my webpage, whom? The officers without the Saturday. Right. They are not originally set as the consumer side to this material science I will tell you that. Probably not. 

Right, everyone is a minus. Everyone is negative.  

My eyes staring forward front cannot see the monitor, you like that? I guess you feeling fine I am talking to you like I exist, really.  Are we on the business saying now? The business name.  You seeing all that on my facebook (That is a dark goggle AI gaming those of the current world we have in 2023 )

The reality you don't need to know

Westlife Saturday morning ( bop bop baby ) (2:58)

Westlife - from Ireland boyband. 

They were once here in Feb this year. They have been on the tour for a while now. I know about these boyband since I was in the middle school, that will be 7th and 8th grade, when you reading all my other comic book. We have a very hard school in the private school. They require a certain 3 big exam, unlimited quiz every so often, and they use those score to go straight up to their high school. The general public has to compete in the real arena that time. I decide to listen to a girl talking, so I went out of that system to gone to my current high school before EF, or the volleyball team any of this movie such as Twilight.

Taiwan abbreviation - tw

Like the domain name the ending result in American its com.

Like the Christmas idea, you done those gifting packs stuffs?

You stare at a box, or a several dollar store box, and run? You never been to a dollar tree, a dollar store, a 99 cents in Califoirnia included?

  • A ribbon
  • A scissor, cut cut cut
  • The string ribbon ! ~ right, the bow tie that is something else
  • You turn that entire box, around and around and around
  • Or you wrap those shining wraps things you get like 3 of them in the long box standing, you pull those 3 - the wrapping paper. It does not need to be Christmas pattern the seasonal things.
  • The Christmas things you ever did? 
  • The birthday bag would be the dollar store, you get one bag, and a card? Last time NSYNC was 5 cards the Hallo Kitty included? The America is different.
  • The tag has this sent to or from, including on the "bag" those dollar store gifting nice looking blue navy bags, next by it, that is not the price tag. Its a written on it tag.

You know how to run to the dollar store never end, for every small tiny little things?

Dimitri's birthday, Alexandro's birthday, Alyssa's in the end of the month. Sorry, the Christmas included.

Right, I do those things I thought I told you that. 

Right...that is a long time ago, and that is a retired family setting all around. I have other things I prefer seeing or doing all that myself?  Everyone has a career, you can just forsake doing any of that and staring at your own career, I didn't think it would be a material science but I know what that is. With the musician, sometimes they need all those public image, and sometimes its their business the main singer has to go and dealt upon those business. But that was when Shane they were younger. Right....I don't really know anything what they present.

I am a little bit occupying inside my own head over a lot of this organization things. You never calligraphy or the image of this systematic thing how you imagine you run an idea over a material science. You gonna be too nervous talking to the American Congress, if you were not begins at the English speaking at the local?  Your height, your face, your shape, all that? 

Tell me how does these your side of the lawsuit I sort or file, I am inside my brain space all the time just woke up one morning, robot? That is what you would call me? Or that guy is a robot machine all he does all day all night its not on the make-up, its his robotic lifestyle? 

Morning !

This is Saturday, my timezone here. We were file-ing the lawsuit, I need to stop there. I am thinking to do a few voice memo. Think about what to say. 

Voice memo : OU and Harry Potter (2014 up until now 2023) (3:10)

Voice memo : Not my voice (1:37)

Voice memo : The military, the governmental, the educator in my country has the pension (1:41)

Voice memo : As a girl and you yourself already have to eat in your own person space (1:10)

Voice memo : Inside your head looking up your height to any guy  (1:24)

Voice memo :The numbers  (0:36)

Voice memoThe biz world ( your parents ) (10:04)

The politeness when you leaving your "at line jobs" such as the military, the governmental, the educator, the day-to-day paychecks jobs. Below its what you see every single day ! Your hair, your polishing your attire, your idea in the business building. I mean the gifting ideas those chocolate idea or ribbon turn turn turn of the entire box those things all around +  a bag +  tag + to or sent or from those gluey tag. Sorry. I add my photo for something else.


Horizontal bar


The Business

The business name, the biz logo, the biz domain name, the biz short name park site, the biz URL access point being re-direct, short URL name.




🥪 I have a feeling, I am living inside my own head. 🥪

You all saying what to anyone?

It must be Shane? I just told you he is nice to the girls. I just don't know if he is a gay, because...too many things look very very strange. Or this is about you got too many choice one of those, you are guessing the TV or guessing the inside story....but its the same 3 meals a day or the preparation the food, the kitchen, the clean up, the bedding, the bathroom, the floor, the sofa.....the lock, the touch....bottom.

Inside your brain, you place upon your thinking....you mean does that guy like about you upon hearing this story, one of those?

You going out to exercise, and you driven to your head thinking, have you running out of the door to go and chase this one image of the guy? And that is first telling your parents and the guy?

I don't have the thinking anymore ....

Your thought its at your eye to look so blanky running toward that guy, and he is or he wasn't suppose to be just happy not knowing you exist a second in any life, the behavior such as yours.

I don't have a thinking inside my brain anymore....

You really really thought he owes you, or he wants to stand in front of you, one second more when you open your mouth to explain or to exactly just like that Gilrmore girls inside, the way she talks to the guys. You cannot simply says, "Good morning, what's up Jess?"

"Where you going today~~~ not school anymore, right?"

The outside is so much this Corperation Sleek, and one day Zawanna is or then was, then a lamp...

So he doesn't exist anymore just like MB.

Meaning you believe this Prince and Princess idea? He is the military iconic, I really don't understand a thing any of that story, because he works his way before his planet the First Open Galaxy, so that wasn't the statue.

But before that story, he was one of those at least 1000 years personality with the perfect family and the friends and the royal all guard, living like the forever, so his personality never defect....its funny one day he is the flower. The literally the flower.

The outside its exactly us. So its just the Corperation talk or the military strategic talks. I didn't think anymore or ever was, because the beginning, both of them were the prince idea until the international resort. And then many things you could tell, there is not one story that is unify at all. 

Food expense

Sometimes I think you need to be communicative to the guys no matter that is the good or you mean the money good guys probably one of those you judge him, and he judges you not, one of those. A lot of the communication like you really being honest, and not looking at his eyes and he says something, or any of the email or the phone, its one day whole day waiting.

One of those?

Whole day looooooong waiting.......not the email, not the chat box, not one of those you will be seeing 100 message, hallo and goodbye?~~ Love you, miss you, hug and kisses!!! Bye ~~~~ 

Making the food or ordering the food, or heating the food, or grab the plate, not sitting on the chair waiting, or being considerate or the same, you can talk normally with the age going to come down to those younger guys, you all seem to drop everyone else already.

If you make it your gambling with the Judge.

Want me to describe it again the Capitalism under ?

Or this particular movie story never ends? Your hope and pray to that romance in controlling, it will NEVER happen, I told you that not to go and control any guy, forever. Not like that. No.


It has a banking structure that people growing up with the education to learn how to survive in becoming an independence away from the parents. Being the emotional stable, he or she carried out the family duty or one person living while having a saving til the old age like 65 years old in my country or in America I believe that is what the 401 K means. Your paycheck to those temporary job, not a career also help you for that tiny saving toward the end of your life, at the age 65 years old. You strive to be a legal citizen and delicate your service so that yield of your labor fruits will create the income source or the monitization revenue. You got a plan, and you learn how to carry out that plan. That is a part of the business world combine together that including the domestic travel or the internationally travel, you wish your speicalty can bring that income sources home.

Your math and the personal finance

I personally didn't think the life has some issue why getting mad or getting that swipe of the credit cards will get yourself totally just jump the floor saying, that wacko or psycho....and if that kind of the too unstable character just the way you talk, filling up your eyes, or your language. I didn't require to comment to you anything. That is your life.