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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


Morning !

This is Saturday, my timezone here. We were file-ing the lawsuit, I need to stop there. I am thinking to do a few voice memo. Think about what to say. 

Voice memo : OU and Harry Potter (2014 up until now 2023) (3:10)

Voice memo : Not my voice (1:37)

Voice memo : The military, the governmental, the educator in my country has the pension (1:41)

Voice memo : As a girl and you yourself already have to eat in your own person space (1:10)

Voice memo : Inside your head looking up your height to any guy  (1:24)

Voice memo :The numbers  (0:36)

Voice memoThe biz world ( your parents ) (10:04)

The politeness when you leaving your "at line jobs" such as the military, the governmental, the educator, the day-to-day paychecks jobs. Below its what you see every single day ! Your hair, your polishing your attire, your idea in the business building. I mean the gifting ideas those chocolate idea or ribbon turn turn turn of the entire box those things all around +  a bag +  tag + to or sent or from those gluey tag. Sorry. I add my photo for something else.


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