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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


Sex ?

You don't really talk to a guy anything anything anything in your life. Not really. When he or she brought up a word of any kind of ....they can just bribe a black guy saying a very very bad word to you, and you go and kills that black guy, in person.

Because you will never EVER see the guy with the money shows up. 

I tell you a story how I response this W Two worlds behind

You know these guys' name from Taiwan photo. Eric, Jason and Henry (short), I told them, or one of them I say I wash (that is before or at the War last year). Their down there. 3 of them. Not Vicky. No. That is what I told one of them I believe. If he told the rest of the guys, that is what it means I say with other things whatever that is in the W Two worlds, the most practical straight ahead inside our life.

We have studies the history, all of us know exactly what that means. 

(I told him long time ago)

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