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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...



Wing talk (3:48)


My mother in the kitchen hurting inside the noise. I understand all those reason, but it hurts me Wing. I got scared every single second of it. So you all going to hell. You didn't have to be inept like that, any of you. 

Wing 2 (the birds) (11:43)




Joy's son - all the fame, name, Loving the Silent Tear the Eternal Glory


Your friends are all so important anyway.

Sister Shen

Brother King

None of you have to do anything on that Friday night.

You didn't think American can be all gone.....trust me.

Democracy its 190 countries, I got the plenty way every single one last you die. On that poverty line, how the Corporation power I will rise. Your parents don't kill you, you will all bankrupt and go to hell on the street. I making that clear, no more 6 countries staying in America, at least.....

Tell me this book of life, how did you 2 have the kids from the very beginning.....back in time. Your kids are the only sins of yours, and none of you will ever changed my own verdict no matter what.

All this arguing back and forth mortal like you, you should all be dead long long time ago. For the education purpose. How long its the eternity you all willing anyway. 

You imagine you are the God, that is really funny. Per thought, per degree mouthful inside pompeo.....that one Secretary state one capital with whom?

AI, you didn't hear the ultimate reason someone will forever exist, at all.

Fear, you all not fear enough, the reality of the voice and the sound, it was intended....supposed to be meant for the good will of some human, but...its rather sad, no music. They guys born in that nature and always be pamp in any world. So they will forever look down upon you with those height and the internal voice. You didn't try to realize every word coming out of the brain.

You are the poor things that is the useless eternity. No value, no worth, not even a simple eye sight, drive you and your family into hell. You doing that so well. Every whimp thought he doesn't have, every one last them. Its the glory of the humanity in eternity, at all.

Someone like me, whom arise to the very Top will tell you, its every eye sight of you makes me hatred. Inside outside. If I feeling that so...I am telling you what is the SA represent, every hatred feeling toward every humanity, FOREVER and eternal. 

Tell that to Biden, may he has the worth in your eyes not his eyesight to any of you. There is a Trump Tower, sorry, the Trump next by you.

Nick's first word to flirts, you mean the towel, not the tower! 

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