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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


Wait....American Medical Board, i cannot literally copy the Lawsuit 13.

My shoulder so painful...left side.  Not now. I am so burden.

Outside the balcony so blazing sun, isn't today the Typhoon? The bird came, at that roofy, there are 2 things on the sky, left or right Virus. He flying toward the right from my neighbor that middle roof toward the right lower peripheral to the police station I guess.

Can you go to the birds, ....right, there is one thing about on the roof all around this one city, someone feed them. He or she wearing the eye glasses, a lot of the gossip in that roof, the bird says they love those people. They acquire so much gossip, no matter how to hint this person, they will never understand, there is nothing but the gossip on that window in, there is a TV inside. I think its a guy, you know those ugly white shirt no sleeve.


my right shoulder hurts now.

The TV is on the right. (Painting)

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