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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


There is a certain type of the pink, doing things behind, let's say, she understands not to hurt the guys on purpose.

Away from the public photo or all those icon, and she steady her finance, talking normal, and really communicative. Meaning she understands the money part, and the sex part, hygenic, and tiny bit of the food preparation.

1) Gift wrapping

2) Inside the hotel every emergency matter, writing, calling, getting him a phone, not standing there or arguing, or mind her own data or knowing what not thing.

3) She can when he goes back to his wife or you children, inside that hotel packing or shipping to the postmail anything he asked, and align with him one person. No, not playing around. Just be attentive, and following around that simple task. Buy the food, not jealous the food.

Him and his circle of the friends, or anywhere he needs a show up, that kind of the girls. She can operate anything behind. Keep the body, keep the life tidy, keep the mobility moving....

You never knew this type of the girls.

You forever will never be with a guy, I told you so. That is over.

When you seeing Karen gone with Chris

She eternity will NEVER get in between anyone around that neighborhood, community, one guy with a look or no look, no older, no elder of any kind, no where near her dad, anyone all around. No one but her age. 

That is the girl you will keep staring at it like your own facebook data.

Okay, I give you a list.

Find a piece of luggage and carried on, you and him.

  • A passport holder, go to NYC to renew the passport in the embassy meaning travel all the way from one side the air ticket at Flushing the ending of 7, to downtown Mahanthan travel North. Somewhere there is an embassy. Talking to the people inside with a clear English to get every paper works done. 
  • Buying some stuffs he told you, or you know its needed on the way back, 50 mins jet-blue, land safe, waiting in the hotel. Prepare some food, or putting some of the nutritional powder or supplement like the vitamin C, he always personally can communicate, every literally word. In the bottle. You get that from the nutrition store. Or anything other than that, that is a plain seen not open the vitamin bottle, the glass or the plastic.
  • If someone knock something broken, she never sound a word, or vibrate a "but hey you", she very quietly to where find what stuff immediately can clean up that floor without shaking or turning herself upside down because one piece of the vase someone pushed and fallen on the ground.
  • She has to be inside the airport termiinal, she knows every gift shop.
  • She has to stay on the computer online, she knows the Amazon, the facebook, the Pinterest.
  • She has to be one person, you are too perfect with the wife and the kid.
  • She asked the hotel white towel, all the things the hotel can supply, find it, and wait there when he returns, or she will be on-time every single day. And she might have whatever the family or it is real or not real. She willing to do all that. Everything just because it was a relationship.
  • That family of your entire family household disappear the second day.

All of it. The wife, and the kids, all.

Sorry, maybe one week, or one month. You mean he is home all the time. To the guys, none of that means a worth time to have one second quiet time hotel room to sleep, to wait, to rest. Someone just waiting there for him. The hospital time, the none panic air, not shaking every 2 second, not this public or that noise argument. Just staying close. 🦅

You and your mother forever or with your brother, its a history forever gone, the second day she shows up. I didn't think that is my case.

But I can tell you what Zawanna makes me to believe, because he is a lot more affectionate. You are all toooo pushing, meaning once being together, you doing it on purpose. He gives you a name, a title, a scene. Every girl wants. Some girls don't need all that wants.....its to be with one person.

None of you will forever, ever, never, will ever be. I told you already. Never, ever.

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