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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


💖💝💘 I tell you what I think you should ever plan 1) Watch 10 people's luggage you didn't buddy with your mother.

2) You buddy with your own stuffs.

3) You making a food in the hotel capable, that entire scenario how do you one person staying in that room and sleep one full night sleep and sound, not on the phone. Breath a what peaceful life.

4) Meaning you drive to near the grocery, buying what things and imagine a travel you yourself, making a food I Anna says with Nicky when we talked about the Washington D.C. You were all on the phone with Justin or Brian, sorry Simon or Shane. One of those....

5) I say the soy yogurt in the Tops supermarket, that is 4 in a pack, they package in that way, so its very easy for you to bring that in the cart to keep shopping, and you bring yourself a vegan cake? Its in California Northern California if you read the label.

6) Wagman's got the French bread, and right across it - its Feel Rite, that is that and that, my own perfect world with the slice of the applies or the avocado. If 2 people, you will acquire a Vegnanaise.

Tell me what's wrong with anything I say in that Washington D,C? 

I have no idea why that is the formation, so I volunteer saying what I only know how to do things, when I will be called in my waiting time....

7) Why I cannot stay inside the hotel, my happy, all meals One-in-All, and bite without the people looking at it, in your term, it will never be a guy in front of you.

Not the make-up, not the sun scream lotion.

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