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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


I am very very sure, if your dad buy those Bagel J, that menu, for a dozen people....

He has no problem hand you one sandwitch.

But it will NEVER EVER vice versa ....isn't this odd? The only value you have, its to request and be given. That is the movie means. You trying to say you are helpful, you trying to say you are the part of the games. Why don't you be real to find out?

You will never ever forever be anything...no one expecting you at all.

In this Capitalism cruel world, no one saying that to you, you could just make yourself a perfect game when you walking out of any door, you just never think that is your side of all door, I ever needed at all. 

Look: All this people inside Ronan's audience seat. You could just forget this one guy.

Then there is a White House across Biden, the Britney's movie. 


You could say the people never meet, never cross life, and in that 2 side of different world, its one airplane someone everyone doing their own business in that secure reason behind. The hours of the days. And that 3 location, you looking on one Earth, from Ireland, to Taiwan this entire straight line section, to American President that side.

You saying, everyone striving in their own not knowing each other's world. It may not be the meaning of those movie means. I have no idea what it means. But I drawing all my painting myself. Strange, isn't it? And I am doing things just as I say, I look, I photography at it. 

There must be strange things trying to put the piece of the puzzle all back together. Just the imagination. 

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