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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


My left shoulder hurts - I am backing up the lawsuit 1-12

Too many links to re-copy paste, but my MS Word open this morning. 

American Medical Board, can you back this up for me. That is 750+ lawsuit.

Do they mean I file what I say at the noon?

Thor says or Kail says back up and file the noon that overall UB lawsuit on the public defendant. You cannot tell I am pre-occupied over this my Pinterest account disappear. 

I copy Lawsuit 1 -12 then ....my left shoulder hurt, or I need to go to pee. They are saying?

Because my browser keep shifting to this blogger here. So I tell you first, and work later? 

And whom says....that I already used the Quota in the lawsuit to 750+ on Earth, meaning? I am the Royal, cannot file the lawsuit toward the outside? 

I THOUGHT its a lot more Corperation later, first there are the rulers, you mean GOD, like Zawanna or Kail, or this whom...the slavery of the Sunshine world that younger rulers. That is GOD? 

I am? The GOD?

Which Royal outside, its all the Central Leadership in that Planet.

And then there is a governmetnal Body at the Universe somewhere the Central Zawanna leads me to. 

There is NO ROYAL?

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