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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


No, you got it wrong, Shane will do that to me; not he will do that to any of you MD too perfectly White.

Your American Medical Board wants Shane to married any one of you, as you are the MD 6+1 inside this American land. I am half American, and not in the American Medical Board.

I pretend, they will tell you true. They will tell you that money in the Congress is not required to set up for Harvard, that Khan Academy on the Youtube all-subjects-in talking, that is not what it means the final destination its...tuition set up like that. Anna panic, so she thought about the beginning or something got told, she "comprehend", not she writes it down to get the clear out of that logic A =B =C. That is the image comprehensive process like a telepathy

Your approaching methods suppose to give them all the money or the business you can find, or married to your best friend, like me, or anyone else inside that the medical school, the guy or the girls. Meaning side with you, not being force given you what business.

Did you find out where Mark got his life in the newspaper where Japan hospital, or Taiwan? I think might be in Japan, that is not in America, isn't it?  And Peyton? That is way toooooo expensive in American land. 

Other than the romance tale

They would or should have ask Anna, why her only comment or lead you all believes and seeing were nothing but the fakness in life, someone can just watching you all walk away, never exist in life, in any terms of the waste human why bother living? You didn't notice your only seeing possible? 

No, the American Medical Board doing things on purpose.

They have the Hollywood interference power. No matter what that meant it. Not particular you. Sometimes they didn't touch those classified materials, they guessing what that is, not it will ever be possible, but if seeing the jail inmate SMCH side to beasty Bible, they already know the ending results to call the Criminal Justice, you like this word? They American Medical Board when seeing the classify materials pick up a phone and call the American which Criminal Justice department. 

That is the first thing you ever mean to them, never romance tale inside the American medical board, they would tell you some facts about that. The human waste land of the human waste human girl or the guys. Nothing but the human waste food or the air. That will be saying the Hunger Game to India, they all dead for the hunger, and you living and breathing to sound like a dream of a life time, starting from the beginning in the year...of 2040? You will know what that means. 

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