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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


If you can ask Simon...

Well, me and nicky probably never gonna settle those I settle him 2 years short sale those. No. I don't do thing like that, so I get rid of him. Right now Its Shane talking, but right, I tell him another story kind when the time arrives or when he shows up.

As for Simon, if he response to you like the spare thing that is where you find ....the keyword on the internet or you telling Shane about to tell Simon, or where is Simon? Living in the trailer that kind? Smoking his lung out.....

The girls like you, or Dean's next by that Ana, you didn't see the facebok the video a Judge looks like a Mike talking to someone speaking spanish like she knew 8 language one of those girl?

Its a forever and eternal no. I don't really know how they process those psycho white hair human to go and scared the youth when the time comes, their temperament. I never seen a white grey hair human psycho on the street to begging the youth for a housing or a money, or a check or a food, like a literally panic like all of your eyes. A lot of this panicking will never stop, maybe you will all be recycle like Hailey their IRobot, in the year of 2040? I don't know.

Being recycle or being decomposed....whatever that means inside the American land. You don't talk or mature like you should. I never seeing those elderly in front my eyes. Everyone seems to behave like their age when they aged.

The girl like you, the guy like Dean or Chris, the girl like Karen or the girl like Adria with this Billy drunk, if not drink and drive, and she is a what, traffic counting tolken summer jobs, that means near DMV?

What the blood thirst means of that Smallville the car?

You girls are the useless waste land, every guy if opens their mouth will tell you both him himself and you are the forever impossible seeing anything outside the money, and this program its you begging them for you to stay the moment when you becoming, you got killed probably that is the final notice, or jailed I guess, if the human blood so easily to spill.

Not the sperm I think.

The sin parts of you touching yoursel all those sex talk, its really per muscle layers how much you keep thinking you are tooooo purity white. Look at this Chris and Dean, nothing but purity and white must at their face, and the money short with this Tamang real bank statement behind the high debts, that real story behind, its all of you the forever impossible.

With me thorny out.

That will be the eternal and the forever story.

Maybe not the first day they imagine that born records, but a lot of the implementation its only at the born records, so that the blonde of the 1 out of the million gold, to this location it worse than anything else they can ever telling you, someone with that natural inclination of the Past, its at the first landing at the birth, like my eyes.

And they already have the data files on the first born, or the born appearance to that one lifetime both the finance and life in itself doing. Therefore, its coherent to their finding, it might just be 1 million times worsen than anything they can ever imagine or wished for.

Bible were only 2000 years, that ratio of the calibration its worse than outdated means. 

No one can pulling those Pixie, someone will tell you all that. Whichever any you the waste human face, the waste human girls on any land, you will find your life exit, just pretending you order a ten airline tickets to 5 continent, you imagine you stay in the hotel for 3 days.

And then?

The waste human guys and the waste human girls, that doesn't need but praying a less crisis in anyone's belly to trust your belt, what? Black belt, see how far your money or groupy formation soon to reach that Washington D.C. 

Its the money talk, or your Medical Board saying talk.

You got nothing but one Medical Board story to tell.

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