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So if we re-formulate the TV

Lords of Ring An Orc and a Legolas collapse that lawsuit (3), I got stuck, and fallen this one vertical line in. The Baker's Street - Co...


5:28 Whomever your Master - Children's meal


oh ~ the 5 Lords Review Kitchen those stuffs, the .....Science Museum (why the Beginner's luck ) has anything to do with them at the door entrance them again? 

oh, they don't know anything about pine nut, I bet the sunflower seed. That is the sunflower oil you buy in the store, that is the exactly same identical things to make those frying oil. The cheapest oil. 

The guys they promise they can digest anything inside their stomach and vomit it out, they are all the vascular plant, the women the girls I don't eat anything that much, you mean one of those very very expensive whichever sounding the oil? The Olive oil is fine the cold press.

Not like the, not that knife, not that top tip, you straight to your palm no matter how you seeing that. (15:26)

oh, the priesthood program them when they get to this 55-60 years old, you need to be on the TV art, so you are not going to be dead? 


The new generation doesn't do one thing with their hands anymore, all day, all night on their PC, or the PC game, or the play station. Technically they eating this instant noodles or this Uber, when their finance doing a lot better. Tina, Hank, Pang....none of that cooking is ever needed I think. They just have to work very hard. I go out to eat too. At home, I eat simple, those things I do those, like the raw stuffs, sometimes to wash my stomach with it, and prepare the soup. I drink the soup, to keep hydrating. I did do those a lot more soupy.

That is glutenous rice, some of you might really like it. Just not the hot temperature on that wrap - that is the plastic wraps.

Probably the entire future, they don't require to learn one thing about the cooking anymore. Probably, all that.

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